
Watercolour Brush Lettering

Come and join me for a fun 2.5 hour Watercolour Brush Lettering workshop at Kimbridge Barn.

During the session, we will be using liquid watercolours in vibrant shades to make some beautiful painted lettering pieces of art.

The session will cover:

  • How to use the liquid watercolour inks
  • How to blend from one colour to another
  • How to create shapes and letters using a brush
  • How to lay out your chosen word for impact
  • Time to create your own piece of beautiful lettering art, ready to take home and frame!

The session is suitable for beginners or those who are looking to explore a new area of lettering art.

What’s included?

  • All resources you need to use during the session
  • Refreshments – please let Ali know at the time of booking of any dietary requirements
  • Optional templates for your lettering
  • Relaxation and a lovely slice of time for you!

Come on your own or book with a friend – all are welcome!

I look forward to seeing you!

£45 per person

To book, please visit Alison’s website here


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